Understanding India and the Changes currently taking place


ndia produces only 1% of the world PIB but should, according to Keystone India, reach 17% by 2050, that is more than all the European Union together, which produces only 15% today. The abundant and cheap, technical workforce in India attracts foreign investors. However it is the 50% of the Indian population under the age of 25 and the reserve of 500 000 untapped engineers leaving the universities each year which makes many economists think that India will become within a few decades a country with a higher economic potential than China. Through different scenarios we will discover the different opportunities and ways of working with India.

  • Understand India, its identity, the changes taking place and its impact on the world economy.
  • Coach your staff to fully realise the importance of your strategy in India.
  • India yesterday and today
  • The real nature of the exchanges between France and India
  • The risks and opportunities
  • How to work better with the Indians.
  • The different scenarios of the India of tomorrow
  • 1/2 hours
You as the actor
  • The conference is staged like a play. The content is presented to you before so it can be customised to integrate you company specifics and orientations
where and when
  • During a seminar, a department lunch or simply in your premises
  • Dynamic using examples taken from real working conditions, videos and theatre props
  • Handouts (summary documents) given at end of conference