The courses
Negotiate International Business Affairs and Projects

In the global market, products are becoming more and more similar, the competition tougher and profits margins lower. In this context the difference will be made by the mastery of communication and negotiation skills by your project leaders and sales engineers.

course objectives
  • Acquire the appropriate negotiating reflexes adapted to the target culture.
  • Understand the client’s expectations and be able to respond with forceful propositions
  • Structure your negotiation using scenarios and process

2 days in English or French

What makes us different ?
  • Inter active training with a quick test every 3 hours (using an electronic device)
  • Each participant wears a badge during the training sessions indicating his/her weak points.
  • Written report on all participants
  • Role plays and practice situations taken from real business contexts
who is this training for ?

Sales engineers and project leaders dealing with international transactions and contracts

course content
day 1
Analysis of each participant’s profile
  • Role plays designed to take into account the targeted culture are used to test the participants. Each participant’s weak points which require improvement are identified and indicated on badges to be worn during the training course.
The fundamentals
  • Culture and cultural differences
  • The basic pillars of culture and their consequences.
  • The initial welcoming phase through to finalising the deal and getting to know the foreign client
  • Building a scenario
  • Transforming technical characteristics into advantages for the client in his market
  • Dealing with the client’s objections
  • Practice in real life situations
Speaking skills
  • Understand "syntonie"
  • Develop social skills
  • Practice in real life situations

Day 2
Design or improvement of existing sales methods
  • Share best international practices
  • Mastering the details to be different
  • Bring the client cultural clarity
  • Practice in real life situations
Dealing with difficult situations diplomatically
  • Handling difficult and "silent" clients
  • Change set opinions based on stereotypes
  • Getting round the real disadvantages
Commitment to progress and action plan
Coaching in the field if necessary
Feedback on progress
Report with detailed analysis