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avis Intercontinental Carlton Cannes Laurent Goulvestre

Nicolas Raboin - Deputy HRD Intercontinental Carlton Cannes - Laurent's help was invaluable in preparing our teams for a large event where we had the opportunity to welcome our Indian hosts. His enthusiasm, his intervention skills, and his experience, have all made it possible for the fundamentals of hospitality and the Indian culture to be passed on. We thank him for the excellent quality of his work.

avis L'Oreal Laurent Goulvestre

Nathalie Carletto - LfD Operations manager with l'Oréal - During an annual meeting of all our trainers we proposed a conference-show by Laurent Goulvestre. It was fully appreciated by a population who’re often in contact with other cultures and these people thought highly of both his sense of humour, his dynamism and the clarity of his very useful and first-rate messages.

avis PSA Laurent Goulvestre

Christophe Rauturier - Information systems Director - PSA choose Laurent Goulvestre to train certain of their managers, ensuring a better approach with regard to Indian and Chinese cultures. His know-how is more than 90% appreciated by the teams and the satisfaction rate exceeds 85%.

For you: a personalized program

Conférences dynaniques - Formations Interculturelles - Coaching Interculturel - Conférencier professionnel - Laurent Goulvestre
Conférences dynaniques - Formations Interculturelles - Coaching Interculturel - Conférencier professionnel - Laurent Goulvestre Conférences dynaniques - Formations Interculturelles - Coaching Interculturel - Conférencier professionnel - Laurent Goulvestre Conférences dynaniques - Formations Interculturelles - Coaching Interculturel - Conférencier professionnel - Laurent Goulvestre
Conférences dynaniques - Formations Interculturelles - Coaching Interculturel - Conférencier professionnel - Laurent Goulvestre

1. Innovative and dynamic conferences on international and cross cultural topics, which integrate seamlessly in your seminars and which make the international accessible by offering simple decoding keys. These conferences raise questions and make your collaborators aware, leading to an acceptance for change.

2. Cross cultural Trainings active and dynamic, role-playing which optimizes their behavioral skills and their know-how, and so supplying them with the keys to a better cultural understanding.

3. Intercultural coaching which finalizes and consolidates this transformation by an opening toward a new form of acculturation and the realization of a true international expertise.

Winning international business

The world has never been as open as it is today and in order to be successful, understanding the different global mechanisms is crucial. But these mechanisms are linked to the men who create them and each person seeing himself as an international expert must thoroughly understand them.

It is, with this in mind, that I am offering you a comprehensive program to transform and optimize each of your collaborators skillsets. Firstly by making them aware of the need to do things differently and better, then by developing their international knowledge and their cross cultural competences and finally, by helping them in the field in order to validate their acquired learning. It's up to you should you want to choose only one of the three steps.

Some examples of interventions:

Dynamic International Conference for a seminar of 300 people, in order to increase awareness amongst all staff of the necessity to internationalize business without offshore relocations. To reassure the entire staff, generate understanding and coach the key players.

Intercultural Training for French managers, allowing them to work better with their German counterparts on the Ingolstadt industrial site in Germany.

Breaking the deadlock in strained relationships between the Japanese and Indians on the project of designing a truck engine. Visits in the countries concerned, analysis of friction areas. Intercultural training on India, intercultural coaching of the 120 managers based in the factories.

Intercultural training on China, of the 80 engineers who work with a subcontractor in the electronics area in Shenzhen. Optimization of international relationships in the projects.

Intercultural training on France for Americans who're going to come to work in France. The Do's and don'ts with the French.

Preparation for expatriation to India of a manager who is going to lead a team consisting of three Indians in Mumbay. Intercultural training on India and training on Indian Intercultural Management.

Hospitality training of the foreign clients in 5 star hotels in the Rhône-Alpes. Optimization of client satisfaction by answering their needs and in correspondance with their expectations.

High-powered Conference within an Export Service comprising 20 people, followed by monthly coaching in order to optimize the behavior of each team member when dealing with the country they are in charge of.

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