The trainer

Track record
  • 10 years management experience in the corporate divisions of Rockwell, Australia, Link Engineering, USA, Parkair, England and Honeywell, France…
  • Author of many books and articles on management and international business
  • Educated at the ESC Montpellier and at the IAE Grenoble where he graduated with a Masters degree in Business Studies
  • Regular training missions and conferences throughout the world
  • Teaches on various Masters Business administration programmes such as HEC (ranked #1 in Europe by the Financial Times)

  • Research focuses on the memorisation of course content and the transfer of skills for practical use
  • Use of “memorise techniques” by creating emotional situations from complex role plays and real life situations
  • Assessment of the participants skills and knowledge of hierarchy and Human Resources

Multicultural background and quest for challenge
  • Widely travelled throughout 50 countries over the 5 continents
  • First solo climber to link the 10 Nepalese base camps at 8 000m without Sherpas or outside assistance
  • Travelled from Melbourne to Paris in 140 days, without taking the plane, via South East Asia, Mongolia and Siberia
  • Crossed the Thar desert, India and the Golden Triangle, Thailand
  • Climbed the Kilimanjaro

What is his philosophy ?
Donner du sens aux actes

- The services proposed match the client’s objectives and so create a real added-value

Apporter du concret

- Examples are taken from real life experiences as a concrete approach is vital

Etre professionnel

- Act as a professional at all times and strive for excellence

Cultiver la difference

- Remain open minded whilst striving to enhance your personality